


White Peach


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    Plant Based Sachet
    Zero Microplastics
    Gluten Free
Delicate yet full-bodied white tea brightened by orange peel, peach, pineapple and vanilla. A shimmering golden tea you'll want in your glass all summer long, preferably poolside.
Full leaf white tea from China, orange peel, pineapple, peach and vanilla natural flavors.
Tasting Notes:Pound cake, peony, banana Runts
Bring spring or freshly drawn filtered water to 185°F and pour 2 cups over sachet. Steep 3 minutes, discard sachet and top off to one quart with filtered water. Stir briskly, serve over ice and enjoy while wandering in the garden.

Orange Peel

Citrus Fruit

Dried orange peel is a by-product of the most commonly grown fruit in the world. It has long been coveted in cooking and natural medicine for its bright flavor and health properties. When used in a tea application, dried orange peel adds body and subtle citrus notes that often bring balance to blends.

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