Featured Steepings

Get the 411 on the latest and greatest from our teamakers and discover more about our uncommonly delicious teas, trips to origin and more. This is tea time.

Our Tea Team had the opportunity to travel to Japan in October 2024 and took advantage of their time there by exploring some of the most renowned tea growing regions in Japan.
Earl Grey is the number one flavored tea in the world, with origins dating back about 300 years. Learn about this aromatic citrus and how Earl Grey put it on the map.
Somewhere in the mist covered mountains of Yunnan, China the lid to a tea kettle tap dances sweetly and erratically, bringing its owner back from his mid-morning daydream.
Doors are now open to our first Smith Tasting Room location in one of the most vibrant cities in the world: Tokyo.
Two teas we look forward to seeing this time every year is First Flush Darjeeling from India and Mao Feng green tea from China. With a range of unique characteristics between them, both bring the freshness of the season we await all year long. 
Our seasonal iced tea release, Blackberry Jasmine introduces the flavors of sweet blackberry and dried orange peel to timeless jasmine silver tip.
Whatever your holiday celebrations look like, we know you’ll want a hot cup of comfort and joy to go with them. Here are some of our favorite ways you can bring tea into your traditions to curate moments of connection and create sweet, lasting memories. 
For most of us today, making a cup of tea is as easy as heating a kettle or fetching a sachet from the cupboard. But to make a cup of tea, especially a tea like our beloved Jasmine Silver Tip, requires time, energy and expertise.
Springtime at Smith Teamaker has an energy like no other. While holiday releases and iced tea summers come with their own waves of excitement, spring marks the beginning of a new tea year, full of hope and possibility. 
“Empowerment means the ability to reach for one’s goals, and to provide space for others, making it easier for them to do the same. Our mission at Girls Inc. is to inspire girls and all youth to be strong, smart and bold..."
"This blend supports women’s function in the same way that we support one another as friends, family, and colleagues—by nurturing and developing the already wonderful qualities of the woman enjoying it.”
The great Gertrude Stein said that "a rose is a rose is a rose," and while we hesitate to argue, we doubt she was tasting them side by side like we do. As a tea company born and raised in the City of Roses, it's no surprise that we’ve woven this beloved botanical into some of our most iconic tea blends.