


Spring Greens


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Your perfect go-to green for everyday enjoyment, this spring-harvested Mao Feng tea from Zhejiang has a slightly sweet, vegetal aroma with a lingering fresh aftertaste. Peaceful, refreshing, and rejuvenating, it's naturally rich in antioxidants and organically delicious. 

Ingredients: Organic spring-harvested full leaf China green tea.

Tasting Notes:Salted macadamia, daffodil, artichoke

Bring spring or freshly drawn filtered water to 185º F. Steep 3 minutes and give yourself the green light to enjoy.

Mao Feng

Chinese Green Tea

Grown in the mountains of central Zhejiang Province, China, at altitudes above 3000 feet, Mao Feng is harvested in the spring and quickly hot air fired. This neutralizes the oxidizing enzyme and seals in the fresh flavors and aromas. The long, slender jade leaves of Mao Feng brew to a color of pale green and impart a pleasing vegetative fragrance with buttery notes and lingering sweetness.

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