


Lord Bergamot


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    Plant Based Sachet
    Zero Microplastics
    Gluten Free

A flavor somewhat superior to traditional Earl Grey. Fragrant Ceylon Dimbula and Uva are artfully combined with select teas from India's Assam valley, then scented with bergamot oil from the realm of Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Craft a Lord Bergamot Crème Brûlée at home. Recipe here.

Ingredients: Ceylon Dimbula, Uva and Indian Assam full leaf teas and bergamot oil.

Tasting Notes:Malt, honey, citrus

For best flavor, bring spring or freshly drawn filtered water to a boil (212 degrees). Steep 1 sachet or 1 rounded tsp (2.5 g) loose leaf for five minutes. If possible, play a little opera softly in the background.


Indian Black Tea

Assam tea is the biggest, brightest, richest and most astringent tea made. It is the backbone to breakfast style teas of nearly all brand and quality although it is also used in many blends for body and top notes. Assam is less floral and has more bread or biscuit-like flavor than other origins, and is often described as malty or coppery.

Ceylon Dimbula

Sri Lankan Black Tea

The Dimbula region is directly opposite the Uva region in Sri Lanka. Dimbulas are often called “Westerns” in the tea trade. They have a reddish amber color in the cup, with a medium to full body, slightly fruity flavor and mineral notes. Ceylon Dimbulas are often used in medium bodied blends, Earl Grey formulas and other flavored teas. The best Dimbula teas are produced from December to February.

Bergamot Oil

Essential Oil

Bergamot is a citrus fruit the color of a lime and the size of a large orange. Picked when ripe, the thick peel is removed and pressed like an olive to extract its essential oils. It has a distinctive flavor and aroma with notes of lavender, lemon and spice.

Ceylon Uva

Sri Lankan Black Tea

Situated 1100 meters above sea level on the island of Sri Lanka, the Uva region produces teas of distinctly different character from their Ceylonese siblings. Uvas are astringent, intensely floral and slightly sharp in flavor with a golden cup color. They add “bite” and freshness to blends.